
Division of Comparative Medicine

The Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM) is a free-standing academic unit that reports directly to the Vice President for Research. A Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine was established in 1975 to meet legal mandates and federal guidelines for the care and maintenance of laboratory animals. In 1980, the Division was renamed the Division of Comparative Medicine to reflect growing involvement in research and teaching. Today, DCM employs over 175 people and oversees a daily census of approximately 90,000 to 100,000 animals, comprising over 15 species. The Division's missions include: the veterinary care and maintenance of animal health for all animals used in biomedical research at MIT, diagnostic laboratory services, biomedical research funded by NIH and private industry, and post doctoral training in biomedical research. 

Major areas of research interest include pathogenesis of infectious disease, gastrointestinal cancer, gastrointestinal microbiome studies, metabolic diseases, rodent biology, gnotobiotics and probiotics.




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