Extern Program

The Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM) is a free-standing academic unit that manages the animal resource program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The animal resource program at MIT has been AAALAC accredited since 1974. DCM manages and operates ~193,000 gsf of space, located in seven buildings at the Institute and oversees a daily census of approximately 100,000 animals, comprising over 15 species. The Division operates transgenic, gnotobiotic and experimental surgery cores along with diagnostic, histology, and research laboratories to support the animal research efforts.

Extern Activities

The extern will accompany Institute veterinarians on clinical rounds in facilities housing both rodents and large animals. Under their supervision, the extern will participate in diagnostic evaluations, post-operative care, quarantine procedures, colony health management, rodent surveillance, and necropsies for both rodent and non-rodent species.

Externs attend weekly seminars focusing on lab animal medicine, weekly research seminars, biweekly slide rounds, and biweekly journal club meetings. Opportunities for hands-on experience in the diagnostic lab and transgenic center are available. Externs may also attend seminars sponsored by the various institutions in Boston (e.g. MGH, Harvard, Broad Institute, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research).

DCM Staff

DCM staff of 160 includes 9 ACLAM boarded veterinarians, 1 boarded veterinary pathologist, 2 PhD research scientists, 10 veterinary postdoctoral fellows, 1 veterinary behaviorist, and numerous technical and support staff.

Externship Applications

Externships can be scheduled throughout the academic year in blocks of 2-4 weeks on a first-come, first-served basis. All externs are required to complete appropriate safety and IACUC training. Proof of a negative TB test within the last year and positive measles titer are required. If you would like to apply, please send a letter of interest, CV, unofficial transcript, and two letters of support to dvmtraining@mit.edu.

Why Train in the Metro Boston Area?