Intramural Meetings
Research Seminar
The purpose of Friday Research Meetings is to give postdocs a venue to present their research progress with DCM staff. During this time, postdocs must present any issues in current research projects and work to troubleshoot these problems with the group.
Comparative Medicine Seminar Series
The Comparative Medicine Seminar Series aims to keep attendees informed on the evolving field of comparative medicine and reinforce topics learned in veterinary school. Information presented will cover a range of topics and species, and materials may be used to assist with preparation for the ACLAM Board Exams.
Clinicopathologic Conference (CPC):
The CPC series aims to complement your everyday position as a clinician, by 1) providing an understanding of pathology terminology as is relevant to your job, 2) reinforcing your understanding of disease pathogeneses, and 3) bridging the gap between clinical and pathologic findings.
Research Journal Club
Presentations should help postdocs learn to critically evaluate papers, including appropriateness of technical approaches, controls, and interpretation of results. Papers will provide opportunities to discuss novel technical approaches and/or application of established methods to new areas of investigation. Postdocs in particular should use their presentation as an opportunity to review the literature relevant to a research project that they are involved in, or focus on methods in other fields that may have utility for their own research projects. This is not intended to be a research presentation. Presenters are asked to emphasize interactive discussions, and to avoid lengthy background presentations or exhaustive presentations on multiple ongoing research projects.
Laboratory Animal Journal Club
The purpose of the Laboratory Animal Journal Club is to achieve fluency laboratory animal literature. Postdocs review journal assignments from the journal club coordinator and present their summary to the group. Journal assignments are from the Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (JAALAS), Comparative Medicine (Comp Med) and the Institute for Laboratory Animal Research Journal (ILAR) depending on the month.
Committee on Animal Care (CAC)
The CAC meets on the first Thursday of each month exclusive of December and August. Postdocs are invited to review protocols and attend all meetings of the CAC. Each postdoc will have mandatory participation during a 6-month period.
Monday Mornings Staff Meeting
The purpose of the Monday Morning Staff Meeting is to discuss any incidents that occurred over the weekend, and to plan research and meetings for the upcoming week.
Clinical Rounds Meeting
Clinical Rounds meetings are intended to discuss the current health status of animals housed in the DCM’s animal facilities. The meetings help ensure that all clinical staff members have the up-to-date information on all animals, and are aware of current and future intended treatment plans.
Extramural Meetings
Postdocs are expected to attend regional, national, and international meetings for the purpose of presentation of their research findings. Abstract submission deadlines for these meetings are announced as they become available. Meetings that postdocs have attended in the past include AALAS, AVMA, DDW, EHSG, and ASM*. Postdocs must have material to present in order to attend these meetings.
- CHRO – Campylobacter, helicobacter related organisms international meeting
- *AALAS – American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
- AVMA – American Veterinary Medicial Association
- DDW – Digestive Disease Week
- EHSG – European Helicobacter Study Group
- ASM – American Society for Microbiology
Short Courses
Postdoctoral Program General Requirements Overview Short Courses Postdoctoral postdocs are entitled to participate in three extramural short courses during their tenure. They are the Charles River Short Course, the Pathology of Laboratory Animals (POLA) Course, and a pertinent course at The Jackson Laboratory.