Diagnostic Laboratory Services and Fees
Service Name
Sort descending
Fee |
Chem profile 11 (Idexx) |
46.75 |
Chem profile 21 (Idexx) |
53.75 |
Chem profile 27 (Idexx) |
79.50 |
Chemstrip Urinalysis only |
5.30 |
Complete urinalysis |
15.95 |
Occult blood test |
5.00 per test |
Service Name
Sort descending
Fee |
CBC w/o differential |
8.00 |
CBC with differential |
8.90 |
Complete blood count |
18.60 per sample |
Differential blood count |
8.00 |
Differential w/o CBC |
8.50 |
Gram stain |
6.50 |
Hematocrit |
7.10 |
Platelet count |
10.60 |
Reticulyte count |
9.55 per test |
Total protein |
7.15 |
White blood count |
7.10 |
Service Name
Sort descending
Fee |
Aerobic culture |
26.00 |
Anaerobic culture |
51.95 |
Antibiotic susceptibility (rodent) |
9.90 |
Bacterial and fungal stain |
8.80 |
Cytology |
13.00 |
Fungal culture |
30.05 |
PCR Testing |
53.20 per sample |
Quantitative water culture |
13.05 |
RFLP Testing |
53.20 per sample |
Service Name
Sort descending
Fee |
Anal Tape (Rodent Pinworm) |
5.05 |
Blood smear examination |
13.05 per sample |
Ectoparasite Exam (Skin scraping) |
10.60 per sample |
Fecal Exam (Protozoa) |
10.60 exam |
Fecal exam - (Baerman) |
10.60 exam |
Fecal exam - (Nitrate flotation) |
14.30 |
Fecal exam - (Nitrate flotation) |
14.30 exam |
Heartworm antigen test |
19.30 per test |
Service Name
Sort descending
Fee |
ELISA Test |
11.85 per test |
Viral Screen Mouse Panel A (4 agents) |
47.20 |
Viral Screen Mouse Panel B1 (11 agents) |
118.00 |
Viral Screen Mouse Panel B2 (15 agents) |
178.00 |