Facilites and Housing


MIT has animal facilities under centralized management in six buildings on campus that encompass approximately 225,000 square feet. The AAALAC accredited animal facilities are under the direct control and supervision of the Division of Comparative Medicine; they house 15 different species with an average daily census of approximately 90,000 animals. The facilities accommodate the research needs of more than 100 investigators. Surgical facilities comprise four surgical suites, a radiology unit and support space. The Division oversees facilities for germ free and transgenic work as well. Within the Division of Comparative Medicine is a fully staffed Comparative Pathology Laboratory (CPL). This unit provides diagnostic laboratory support for the Division’s animal care and health programs and also provides laboratory support to a number of biomedical research institutions in the Boston area.

Trainees can use other facilities at MIT to accommodate their research needs. These include electron microscopy, cell sorting equipment, a monoclonal laboratory and gene sequencing facilities. Trainees have access to library facilities within the Division, other MIT libraries, the Harvard Medical Library and the Tufts/New England Medical Center Health Sciences Library.

The Division of Comparative Medicine has multiple PC’s and Macintosh computers linked via a local area Network. Laserprinters, scanner equipment and a slide maker are available. A variety of software applications as well as Internet access are available.